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What are they?

How can I set them up at my school?

What are Kid Packs?

You probably know what they are, even if you don't call them by the name 'Kid Packs.' Kid Packs are backpacks filled with food given to needy students at the end of the school week-- basically, it's their food supply for the weekend. They're usually distributed in the form of nondescript backpacks or other reusable bags. Students pick them up on Friday afternoon, and board buses for home like usual. These bags or backpacks are crammed with kid-friendly, healthy food that will help sustain them until school resumes on Monday.


One in five kids in America is food-insecure. That means that they don't know where their next meal is coming from. Kid Packs help end food insecurity. The program is easy to set up, fun to do, and most of all, FREE for kids! Sadly, some parents can't afford to feed their kids at home, and a lot of kids get their only meals at school. As teachers, guidance counselors, principals, and staff, I feel we must do our part to help.


Who am I, and why am I building this website?

My name is Alison Lee. I am a high school teacher working at a high-poverty district in central Maine. I teach at a school with a Kid Pack program; we call it the Backpack Program. I am also a national pageant titleholder with the American Women of Service organization.


My mission with this website is to give teachers, counselors, and school administrators and staff the tools they need to set up a Kid Pack program in any school in America-- because every child needs to be nourished in order to learn. It's been proven by science.

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