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What to Do During Extended Breaks

How Can I Keep This Going During Summer Vacation?

Should I Even Try?

First of all, check with your school’s cafeteria or district’s nutrition program. Many schools continue to provide school lunches to students during the summer or other extended breaks. You might also want to check with your local food bank to see if they have a summer lunch program for kids. You could choose to partner with one of these organizations, or you could continue to distribute Kid Packs as a way of broadening kids' options when it comes to getting fed during the summer.

Girls Having Fun
Campfire in Forest

There are plenty of schools that continue to pass out Kid Packs during breaks; they set a time for kids to come to school and collect them, such as from 9 AM to 11 AM on Friday mornings (the empty packs can be returned the following Friday, and a new one can be given. Just make sure you have twice your regular number of backpacks if you choose this option.)


Also, if you’re passionate about continuing the program all year round, work with your administrative team and custodial staff to ensure that you’ll continue to have access to the school building to stuff your packs and replenish your supply of food during the summer months or during the extended break period.

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